Interesting Links on Sound and Singing
Click on the links below to read online articles about using singing to rewire the brain especially for stroke patients and can boost mental health and how research into sound is providing us with cures for cancer! So much research is being done into the benefits of people singing together in choirs and how scientists have found that when people sing together, their heart beats start to synchronise having a calming and relaxing effect. The positive benefits of singing have been compared with Yoga! Have a read.....
I was led to this fascinating talk by deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie on how to truly listen after receiving an inquiry about helping a deaf child with Sound Therapy....helpful in so many ways for everyone, as well as for people that work with sound, music and voice
Singing Helps Stroke Patients Speak Again
Singing Can Rewire The Brain
Singing Therapy
Choir Singing Boosts Mental Health
Let's Have Singing On Prescription!
For many more interesting articles on the research into Singing and Sound please follow this link to The College of Sound Healing website articles page.
I was led to this fascinating talk by deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie on how to truly listen after receiving an inquiry about helping a deaf child with Sound Therapy....helpful in so many ways for everyone, as well as for people that work with sound, music and voice
Singing Helps Stroke Patients Speak Again
Singing Can Rewire The Brain
Singing Therapy
Choir Singing Boosts Mental Health
Let's Have Singing On Prescription!
For many more interesting articles on the research into Singing and Sound please follow this link to The College of Sound Healing website articles page.