Sound Relaxation Crystals
Alexandra and Daniel stock a collection of crystals to support their Crystal and Sound workshops. We supply crystals for Therapists, such as quartz for clearing and energising, and crystal pendulums. We stock some large ornamental crystals such as Amethyst for energising your work place or home, and we also have a small selection of jewellery for personal and professional use, for protection, balance and energising the body throughout the day. Our crystals are all prepared, balanced and energised before they set off on their journey to you. We supply to people in the local area in and around Chertsey in Surrey, either at our events or by appointment. We do not operate a postal service yet, but can do for very small items, in the UK only. Postage is charged separately. Please visit our Sound Relaxation Crystals Facebook page to see some of our stock and our next event. Or get in contact to enquire. We are a small business, so if we don't have what you are looking for, where possible we may be able to source it for you. Click HERE to be connected to our Sound Relaxation Crystals Facebook page. Click HERE for our main Sound Relaxation Centre Facebook page |